ProtoCAM and the PA Dream Team

ProtoCAM in the Community: Educating for the Future via the PA Dream Team

PA Dream Team logo


ProtoCAM’s Digital Marketing Director, Dale Bond, is a member of the PA Dream Team, a vivacious group of young individuals assembled by the Manufacturers Resource Center in Allentown, PA whose goal is to educate local youth about the various careers available within the manufacturing field. Bond has committed to two years (2020 & 2021) of involvement and participation in the various educational efforts of the PA Dream Team,  and embraces the problem-solving opportunities that have arisen with reaching local students face-to-face as a result of COVID-19.

Dale Bond, Digital Marketing Director, ProtoCAM


The PA Dream Team is presented and managed by the Manufacturers Resource Center (MRC) in Allentown, PA, and funded by Bosch Rexroth and Air Products. This special team represents the promise and future of advanced manufacturing in Pennsylvania by consisting of the best and brightest young professionals in the industry. Members of the PA Dream Team (all under 30, or young at heart) perform classroom presentations that encourage students to explore manufacturing careers, and also attend and educate about their own career paths at many local events, including the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing (WSCM) annual video contest, the annual Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) Forum, along with various expos and career fairs.

For 2020, Bond committed to assisting at various youth-centered events, including the WSCM event, the WISE Forum, a local middle school-created STEAM expo, and the CLIU Regional Media and Design Competition hosted by Lehigh Carbon Community College. Unfortunately, with the spread of COVID-19, several of these events were rescheduled or canceled, however, Bond looks forward to attending any virtual versions of these events that arise. Bond will also be participating in virtual camp sessions hosted over the summer by the National Museum of Industrial History to share career information and answer questions of young students interested in entering the manufacturing field.

Bond has a strong background in educating and working with children, including several years of experience holding positions as both a camp counselor and the program and adventure specialist at a Girl Scout Camp. Bond has also instructed students at a dance studio, tutored students in various subjects, performed in multiple acting/character capacities for children, and volunteered for many years in various youth group programs, and thus is well-versed in participating in different events involving youth and students. In fact, because of her plethora of experience, Bond has even been asked to teach incoming and longtime PA Dream Team staff some of the various initiative activities she has gathered in her long career of educating, volunteering, and working with youth.

To learn more about the PA Dream Team, visit

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